A USB Flash Drive with approximately 4 Gigabytes of text, illustrations, graphics, tables, video clips, audio clips, animations, references and abstracts.
• Chapters include: Polysomnography, Pediatrics, Physiology of Sleep, Neurophysiology, Chronophysiology, Respiratory Physiology, Insomnia, Obstructive Sleep Apnea Syndrome, Narcolepsy, Parasomnias, Restless Legs Syndrome, Women and Sleep, Aging and Sleep, Epilepsy and Sleep, Pharmacology of Sleep, Hypersomnias, Neurology and Sleep, Sleep Deprivation, Phylogeny of Sleep, Orofacial Management of Sleep Apnea and Sleep Related Movement Disorders.
• Special Chapters include: History of Sleep and Man, 101 Questions on Sleep and Dreams, by EA Mitler and M Mitler, the Encyclopedia of Sleep and Sleep Disorders, Sleep Center Policy and Procedure Manual (including CPT Sleep Coding), Case Histories.
• Patient Educational Programs (SleepEd): Sleep Apnea, Insomnia, Shift Work Disorder, Restless Legs Syndrome, Dental Sleep Medicine, 101 Questions about Sleep and Dreams; in Spanish and English.
• The Sleep Scoring Manual, based upon the Rechtschaffen and Kales sleep scoring method with current terminology and scoring rules. Illustrated with audio and video. Learning Sleep Stage Scoring has never been easier.
• References from Medline on sleep medicine and sleep research, with abstracts that link directly to the latest information on PubMed (requires internet connection).
• Over 4000 pages of color graphics including, tables, graphs, histograms, photographs,and illustrations.
• More than 100 video clips of sleep specialists, patient interviews, cataplexy, sleep apnea, CPAP, BiPAP, paroxysmal nocturnal dystonia, sleep nasoendoscopy, restless legs syndrome, headbanging, periodic limb movement disorder, laser palatoplasy, oral pressure therapy, radiofrequency palatoplasty, and many more.
• Numerous printable forms including: Patient questionnaires; Sleep Hygiene Tips, Sleep Apnea Tips, Narcolepsy Tips, Sleep Restriction Instructions, CPAP Desensitization, Drowsy Driving Tips, etc., Physician Forms; Polysomnogram Request Form, Physician Reading List, Relaxation Therapy Instructions, Mood Scales, Epworth Sleepiness Scale, and questionnaires in both Spanish and English.
• Print capabilities; each complete page, illustrations, graphs, tables, etc., references and abstracts, and forms for patients and physicians.
• Online help, including; an interactive tutorial, help index, glossary of sleep terms, lists of video clips, chapter indexes.
• Fully interactive between chapters, with full search capabilities for topics and authors.
• Lecture capabilities: Give an interactive lecture directly from your laptop computer coupled to a video-projection system. Include references with abstracts, videos and sleep specialists’ comments in your lectures.
• 140 Category 1 Continuing Medical Education credits of the Physicians Recognition Award of the American Medical Association are available through the program provided by Albert Einstein College of Medicine – Montefiore Medical Center and Sleep Multimedia.
• Regularly updated to include the latest references and medical information, and ongoing expansion of topics.